Key facts
Club: Le Mans FC | Opening: 2011 | Capacity: 25,000 seats
History and description
The MMArena replaced Le Mans’ old Stade Léon Bollée. It officially opened on 29 January 2011 with a match versus Ajaccio (3-0).
Construction of the MMArena had taken 30 months and came at a cost of €104 million. The naming rights of the stadium were sold to insurance firm MMA.
How to get to the MMArena
The MMArena is located on the southern edge of the city of Le Mans, just over 5 kilometres from the city centre and main rail station.
The stadium is best reached from the A28 motorway, which runs east of the city and connects with the A11 further north. Take exit 23 toward Le Mans-Centre.
The MMArena is furthermore easy to reach by tram. You can board the tram (line 1) in Le Mans city centre (e.g. République) or the main rail station. Take the tram in the direction of Antarès-MMArena, and get off at the last stop. Trams run about once every 10 minutes, the ride takes about 20 minutes.
Address: Chemin aux boeufs, 72 055 Le Mans
Le Mans Tickets
Tickets for Le Mans games can be bought online, or at the ticket windows of the MMArena.
Tickets can also be bought at the ticket windows of the stadium on the day of the match. Le Mans hardly ever sells out.
Ticket prices range from €7.00 for a seat behind the goal to €15.00 for a seat at the main stand.
Photos of the MMArena
Useful Internet links
Lemansfc.fr – Official website of Le Mans FC.
Mmarena.com – Official website of the MMArena.
Lemanstourisme.com – Le Mans tourist information.
Setram.fr – Le Mans public transport information.